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27. October 2023

Disposal company

Sick trees in the city forest must be felled

In Bocholt's municipal forest, about 1000 diseased and dying trees will have to be felled this year. This has now been announced by the city of Bocholt. About three percent of the trees in the 45-hectare area are affected. Deadwood will also be removed from the treetops.

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The work is expected to start in the third week of November and last about two weeks. For the work, the paths in the city forest will be closed in sections. "We are not thrilled about this either, but it has to be done," says Sven van den Berg from the Entsorgungs- und Servicebetrieb (ESB). This is because the city of Bocholt has to ensure, as part of its duty to safeguard traffic, that no danger arises for visitors to the municipal forest.

A danger that is not always immediately obvious, as Johannes Eckel from the Regional Forestry Office Wald und Holz NRW demonstrates using the example of a red oak tree. "If you look up along the trunk, the tree looks healthy and stable," says Eckel. But a fungus has clearly taken root at the bottom of the trunk - so it is only a matter of time before the tree dies, says Eckel.

Besides red oaks, beech, larch, birch and spruce are also affected. If branches or entire trees die, they become rotten and can, in the worst case, fall down onto the paths. "We have to make sure that children can play here or hikers can pass through," says Sven van den Berg.

Trees are conspicuously marked

Partial afforestation planned

According to the ESB, afforestation of contiguous areas is also planned following the felling.