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 Jürgen Flores ist seit 25 Jahren beim ESB.
Jürgen Flores ist seit 25 Jahren beim ESB.
28. February 2022Disposal company

Jürgen Flores 25 years with the ESB

Jürgen Flores from Wertherbruch celebrates 25 years of service at Entsorgungs- und Servicebetrieb Bocholt (ESB) on March 1.

Trained as a carpenter, he first worked in the garbage collection department for four years. As a nature lover, he then switched to the cemetery department. There he carries out all the work that arises with great reliability, praises the ESB. His activities range from gardening work and working as a machinist to funeral services. Because of his willingness to help and his likeable nature, he is held in high esteem among his colleagues.

 Jürgen Flores ist seit 25 Jahren beim ESB.
Jürgen Flores ist seit 25 Jahren beim ESB.