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Was the drum kit not the right Christmas present yet?
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Where to put the cardboard? Please not next to the containers...
02. January 2024Disposal company

Increased littering at paper and glass containers

City of Bocholt asks for consideration // Also complaints about noise pollution

Every year again? As soon as the festive season is over, there is once again littering and an increased amount of litter being dumped at the municipal paper and glass containers. Over the past few days, the waste disposal and service company (ESB) has once again received more complaints.

"The waste disposal and service company is currently receiving an increasing number of complaints about disturbances and littered container locations," reports ESB waste consultant Petra Tacke. Every day these days, ESB employees have to clear up wild rubbish dumps.

Especially in the period after Christmas and New Year's Eve, the containers are emptied daily by the ESB. If there is a lot of rubbish in front of or next to the containers, the site must first be cleared by the city cleaning service. "This incurs costs and takes an unnecessarily long time," says Petra Tacke.

The ESB also asks people to observe the drop-off times for glass containers: Anyone disposing of empty wine and mulled wine bottles from the festival late in the evening is causing a nuisance to neighbouring residents. Deposit containers may be used on weekdays from 7 am to 12 noon and 2 pm to 7 pm.

What belongs in and what doesn't?

The city of Bocholt provides useful information on the correct disposal of waste on the city's website at www.bocholt.de/esb. Basically, the following applies: The depot containers are intended for glass and paper. Bulky waste, discarded toys, electrical appliances and plastic packaging can be handed in at the Bocholt recycling centre. Window glass, mirrors, glass cooking pots and aquariums also do not belong in the glass container - or next to it.

Citizens can find the nearest container location using the waste navigation system at www.bocholt.de/abfall-navi. There is also a map in the Bocholt map system under "Living & Housing" at maps.bocholt.de

 Was the drum kit not the right Christmas present yet?
Was the drum kit not the right Christmas present yet?
 Where to put the cardboard? Please not next to the containers...
Where to put the cardboard? Please not next to the containers...