Hand in old CDs at the information stand of the waste advice centre
Tuesday, 2 July, from 9-12 am on St. Georg-Platz
On Tuesday, 2 July 2024, citizens can hand in their old CDs from 9:00 to 12:00 at the information stand of the waste advisory service of the waste disposal and service company (ESB) on St. Georg-Platz.
Waste consultant Petra Tacke will provide a closed container for the CDs near the fountain. Anyone wishing to back up their data should scratch the CDs with a sharp object.
In times of cloud storage, USB sticks and streaming services, CDs and DVDs are being used less and less. Nevertheless, many households still have numerous old data carriers lying around unused. Instead of throwing them in the residual waste bin, they can be recycled sensibly. The CDs are made of high-quality polycarbonate, which can be easily recycled. During processing, the coating is separated from the plastic, which is then shredded. In this way, the materials can be reused in computer technology or medicine.
In addition to handing them in at the information stand, it is also generally possible to dispose of CDs at the recycling centre. CD cases, however, belong in the yellow bag as they are sales packaging.
If you have any questions, please contact waste consultant Petra Tacke on 02871 / 953-34 24.