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 What belongs in the organic waste bin?
What belongs in the organic waste bin?
23. May 2023Disposal company

Friday is "Organic Waste Bin Day" across Germany

Overview: What belongs in and what doesn't? // Germany-wide day of action

Friday is the "Day of the organic waste bin" throughout Germany The theme day is intended to help draw attention to the importance of "clean organic waste".

In the district of Borken, organic waste is collected via the organic waste bin or via own composters and recycled into compost in Gescher at the composting plant of EGW (Entsorgungsgesellschaft Westmünsterland mbH).

"Impurities that are delivered to the EGW composting plant due to contaminated organic waste have to be sorted out there and disposed of as residual waste," EGW informs. This increases the costs and thus also the waste fees.

Nappies, coffee capsules, compostable bio-bags and similar items do not belong in organic waste, but in the residual waste bin. Citizens can find out what all belongs in organic waste and what they should look out for on the topic page at www.bocholt.de/biomuell.

About the Day of the Organic Waste Bin

The Day of the Organic Waste Bin on 26 May was initiated by the BGK (Bundesgütegemeinschaft für Kompost e.V.) to give all stakeholders in the organic waste sector the opportunity to jointly point out the usefulness of a clean organic waste bin.

Legally, a focus was placed on the purity of biowaste for the first time in 2022 with the Biowaste Ordinance (BioAbfV).

 What belongs in the organic waste bin?
What belongs in the organic waste bin?