Fee sticker belongs on the lid of the waste bin
Currently, some residual waste or organic waste bins in Bocholt remain empty. This is often due to a missing fee sticker. The sticker must be clearly visible on the lid of the bin. Bins without valid stickers have not been emptied since the beginning of June.
The Entsorgungs- und Servicebetrieb Bocholt (ESB) had already sent out the stickers with the fee notices at the beginning of the year. "The coloured fee stickers are official documents that show the ESB that the fee for the respective bin has been paid and the waste can be disposed of," explains waste advisor Petra Tacke. If this has not already been done, the ESB advises citizens to stick the fee stickers on the lids of their bins. Otherwise the bins cannot be emptied.
If you have any questions, please contact the ESB at 02871 2463-12 or by e-mail at info(at)esb.bocholt(dot)de. Citizens can obtain further information on the municipal portal www.bocholt.de/ersatzplakettenausgabe.