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 Da ist kaum noch was zu retten? Doch: Wertvolle Rohstoffe!
Da ist kaum noch was zu retten? Doch: Wertvolle Rohstoffe!
28. July 2022Disposal company

"Do not throw small electrical appliances in the trash!"

Info event at St. George Square

Next Tuesday, August 2, the waste consultant of the Entsorgungs- und Servicebetrieb (ESB), Petra Tacke will offer an information booth on the topic of recycling small electrical appliances at St. Georgs Platz. From 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., she will provide information for interested parties.

Small electrical appliances can be handed in at the information desk. Before handing in, batteries must be removed and handed in separately. Although collection volumes are steadily increasing, far too many small electrical appliances still end up in the dustbin and languish in the cellar or in drawers.

One of the aims of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act is to ensure that no more electrical appliances end up in the dustbin. Discarded small electrical appliances, such as cell phones, contain valuable precious metals as well as substances that are hazardous to the environment and health, such as heavy metals. With professional recycling, the toxins are disposed of safely and the raw materials are recovered.

Drop-off options for electrical appliances

In addition to the information stand of the waste advisory service, small electrical appliances can be handed in free of charge at the recycling center of the ESB, Schaffeldstraße 74 during opening hours. Here, too, rechargeable batteries and batteries must be removed beforehand and handed in separately.

 Da ist kaum noch was zu retten? Doch: Wertvolle Rohstoffe!
Da ist kaum noch was zu retten? Doch: Wertvolle Rohstoffe!