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 Auch die jungen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer helfen beim Bocholter Müllwalk kräftig mit.
Auch die jungen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer helfen beim Bocholter Müllwalk kräftig mit.
18. March 2022Disposal company

"Away with the dirt" - at the "Second Bocholt Garbage Walk

Successful campaign to be repeated // Bochol residents help out diligently

Due to the good experiences from last year, the waste advisory service of the Entsorgungs- und Servicebetrieb Bocholt (ESB) has decided to once again carry out the "Bocholter Müllwalk" instead of the one-day "Dreck weg" campaign. It starts on March 26 and is collected until the end of October, whenever one has time and desire to do so. The waste advisory service will equip all those interested.

"Since many are outdoors in the nice weather, the commitment to do something for the environment is also high. We support this with the so-called "trash walk," explains ESB waste consultant Petra Tacke. The "Müllwalk" is an alternative to the popular "Dreck weg" campaign of earlier years. Actually every person who wants to collect garbage can participate. The trash walk is deliberately not tied to a specific date. The waste advisory service of the ESB will be handing out collection packages for those interested from 22.3. onwards. Each collection package contains gloves, trash bags, and a seed ball with seeds for a small bee pasture.

Support from associations

The waste advisory service receives support from numerous associations in Bocholt. Clubs that have regularly participated in the Dreck Weg campaigns in the past receive the materials such as gloves and trash bags in larger quantities from the ESB. These are then distributed to club members and interested parties in the respective districts. Around 1,000 participants took part in the first "Bocholt trash walk" last year. "It would be very nice if we could top this number to rid Bocholt of garbage" said waste consultant Petra Tacke. "The commitment of the many participants and participants is enormously high in Bocholt. Trash is collected while plogging, that is, while jogging, with children during an adventure walk or during the regular dog walk. The ideas and possibilities are many."

Register by March 21

In order to be able to plan the amount of materials needed and to prepare for the release, the waste advisory service asks for registration, if possible by March 21, at petra.tacke(at)esb.bocholt(dot)de or by phone ☎ 02871/24 63 24.

 Auch die jungen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer helfen beim Bocholter Müllwalk kräftig mit.
Auch die jungen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer helfen beim Bocholter Müllwalk kräftig mit.