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15. November 2023City marketing

Wish list campaign 2023 in Nordstraße

Four shops in Nordstraße are involved

Four shops in Nordstraße are involved

Wolfram Kolks' wish list campaign for needy children will once again take place in four shops on Nordstraße this year. From next Saturday, 18 November 2023, the following shops on Nordstraße will be involved: Marc O'Polo, Friseur Bocholt Udo Böing, Purzelbaum and Anna - Das bin ich.

How does the wish list campaign work in Nordstraße?

This year, the 130 or so wish lists come from children from single-parent families from the outpatient educational support service, the aftercare service for former residents of the women's refuge and families from the "Betreff Familie im Quartier" ("Betreff Family in the Neighbourhood") programme. Families from the "General Social Counselling" area are new to the programme. All organisations are part of the Caritas association. The wish lists were designed and made by the children themselves or painted and cut out with the help of the Caritas Association's carers - they are labelled with their name, age and wish. Some shops then hang them on their own Christmas trees or integrate them into the shop decorations so that the customer can choose a wish list and buy the gift. They then bring the selected gift and wish list back to the shop, where anonymity is guaranteed! If you like, you can wrap your gift, otherwise the shops will be happy to take over the wrapping service. The maximum gift value should not exceed €30. A few nice personal words from the giver on a card are a friendly gesture and will make the kids happy when they are allowed to unwrap their present at Christmas.

Gifts are handed over to Caritas shortly before Christmas

The presents will be handed over to the Caritas employees in person on Monday, 18 December at 4 pm at "Anna - that's me!". The individual gifts will be handed over to the families shortly before Christmas or given to the children at the joint Christmas parties.

Wish list campaign in Osterstraße and the Liebfrauenviertel too

In 2023, the wish list campaign will not only take place in Nordstrasse, but also in Osterstrasse and the Liebfrauenviertel, which will be announced in separate media releases.