Reading mentors delighted with donation for book box
Thalia Mayersche Bocholt donates 250 euros for reading promotion
Thalia Mayersche Bocholt has now donated 250 euros to the city library's reading promotion programme and "Bücherkiste". The donation was used to purchase books for the reading mentor network.
Thalia Mayersche Bocholt has collected a sum of 250 euros and donated it to the city's reading promotion programme. For every purchase made by a KultClub member, Mayersche donates part of the amount collected. This year, Thalia Mayersche Bocholt has decided to donate the money collected to the network of reading mentors.
From the money donated, the network has put together a special selection of books tailored to the needs of different age groups and institutions. The box contains picture books on topics such as diversity and togetherness as well as funny stories for reading aloud and reading to yourself, games to promote reading, first readers in print and stories in various languages. These books can be borrowed exclusively by the reading mentors.
Every year, the network trains new volunteer reading mentors together with the Reading Foundation. Those interested can register via the Fabi programme. The network provides support in finding the individual centres and offers regular training and exchange meetings.
Members of the network include the Family Education Centre, the Bocholt Volunteer Agency, Bocholt City Library, the Catholic parish of Liebfrauen and the Catholic parish of Sankt Josef.