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16. November 2023City Library

Reading competition: Who will take the crown?

Eleven children compete in the final at local level // Friday, 17 November, from 3 p.m. in the media centre // City library invites you to attend

On Friday, 17 November, the annual fourth grade reading competition will take place at 3 p.m. in the media centre at Bocholt City Library. This year, eleven pupils from Bocholt's primary schools will be competing against each other to become the next reading king or queen.

The children, who were able to demonstrate their reading talent in the previous school competition, will now read for the title of town reading king or queen - in front of the jury and the audience. "Family and friends are cordially invited to listen to the reading competition and join in the excitement," invites library employee Melanie Tenhumberg.

Reading skills are in demand

As last year, the jury, consisting of representatives from Bocholt's cultural sector, the press and the local book trade, will be joined by a children's jury. This is made up of the winners of last year's city competition. In the first reading round, the eleven "reading pros" will read for three minutes from a text that they have selected and practised themselves. They can show that they can read confidently, fluently and with the correct intonation. In the second round, an unknown text awaits the children.

Reading aloud connects

After a consultation with the jury, the award ceremony for the first three places is then held by Deputy Mayor Elisabeth Kroesen. The reading competition takes place every year on the official "Nationwide Reading Aloud Day". This year's motto is "Reading aloud connects".

"This will be a very nice competition. The Loewe publishing house is a great cooperation partner for us every year and we are very pleased about the lively participation of Bocholt's primary schools," says organiser Claudia Alders from the city library. "A big thank you also goes to the local bookshops Mayersche and Seitenblick, who kindly provide book vouchers for the winners every year and take part in our jury."

These are the school winners who will compete for the title of City Reading King or Queen 2023:

  • Luisa Gehrke / GSV Liebfrauen Stenern
  • Mia Idziaszek / Biemenhorster School
  • Juna Hoffmann / Clemens Dülmer School
  • Oskar Höing / Maria Montessori School TSO
  • Erik Legeland / GSV Ludgerus
  • Leonie Ruenhorst / Josefschule
  • Mia Lina Schindler / Maria Montessori School HSO
  • Luisa Schläger / Annette-von-Droste-Hülshoff Primary School
  • Martha Siebke / GSV Liebfrauen Barlo
  • Jano Tefert / Clemens-August-School
  • Toni Wenningmann / St Bernhard School