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24. April 2023City Library

READ & EAT at the City Library with Swedish classics national delicacies

Literary Journey through Sweden // Tips for Travel and Tourism

The municipal library and the adult education centre Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg invited the public on a literary and culinary journey through Sweden on Thursday evening. On the occasion of Sweden's current EU Presidency, Sonja Wießmeier from Europe Direct Bocholt also presented the country and its role in the European Union.

On Thursday evening, the municipal library and the Adult Education Centre Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg invited to another deliciously literary evening of the event series "Read & Eat: Reading and Enjoying". On the occasion of its current EU Presidency, the focus this time was on Sweden and was presented by Sonja Wießmeier from Europe Direct Bocholt. "Due to the progressive attitude of the economy and the open-minded population, Sweden is considered a preferred travel destination. The Europe Direct network is happy to give tips and provide information on this," said Sonja Wießmeier.

Literary journey: from classics to suspense literature

The team of the Bocholt Public Library had put together a literary journey through different epochs and genres for the interested public. Of course, the classic literature of August Strindberg, Selma Lagerlöf and Astrid Lindgren was not to be missed. Well-known children's books such as "Pippi Longstocking", "The Children of Bullerbü" or "Nils Holgersson" awakened nostalgic memories in many participants. "It is so nice to encounter the familiar characters and landscapes from childhood once again! The new editions of the books are now delighting our grandchildren," said a delighted visitor. Well known to many were the popular crime authors from the far north. Camilla Läckberg and Stig Larsson found their readership just as much as the modern cosy-crime bestsellers "The Österlen Murders". The participants were also very taken with the current travel guides and guidebooks on Swedish cuisine. Here, the large-format illustrated books were convincing with a mixture of idyllic descriptions of the landscape, as well as sought-after trends and tips on how to organise a trip.

Swedish sandwiches and typical Swedish delicacies

Between the individual programme items, typical Swedish delicacies were served to complete the "Swedish feeling". The blueberry soup known from the story "Michel in the Soup Bowl" was just as convincing as the Köttbullar strudels, the herring and potato salad from the jar or the crispy cinnamon bun.

Read & Eat meets Textilwerk

"Next semester, we're going on the road with Read & Eat," Melanie Tenhumberg, subject leader at Bocholt City Library, is pleased to announce. "At the end of September, we are offering a literary journey to the Orient in cooperation with the Textilwerk and the exhibition there entitled "The Eternal Carpet". Our readers can look forward with anticipation! Registrations will be accepted through the VHS Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg after the summer holidays."