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 Bald ist Büchermarkt in Bocholt (Symbolbild)
Bald ist Büchermarkt in Bocholt (Symbolbild)
29. September 2022City Library

Book flea market in Bocholt

October 4-8 in the entrance hall of the public library // Interested parties may add to their book treasures in exchange for donations

From October 4 to 8, the Bocholt Municipal Library is holding a book flea market in its entrance hall. During the library's opening hours, anyone interested can browse and take their favorite media in exchange for a donation of their choice. The proceeds will benefit the Caritasverband Bocholt.

In the first week of the fall holidays, bookworms and thrifty people can rejoice at the same time. After a long break from Corona, the municipal library is once again holding a book flea market. Always striving to be up to date, the public library team regularly maintains the stock. In order to give the worn-out media a second life, the library staff would like to make the books, DVDs & Co. available to as many citizens as possible.

Giving books a new home

"We constantly strive to keep our stock up to date and tidy for our readers. To do this, it is necessary from time to time to sort out media. We are now offering the media that are in good condition and of interest to our readership for sale at a donation campaign," says Melanie Tenhumberg, head of the municipal library. Novels of various genres, non-fiction books on topics such as "cooking, handicrafts and music" but also "travel, handicrafts and science" and a variety of children's books are up for grabs. In addition, some DVDs, audio books and other media are also offered.

 Bald ist Büchermarkt in Bocholt (Symbolbild)
Bald ist Büchermarkt in Bocholt (Symbolbild)