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21. November 2022City Library

"Bocholt reads" - Charles Dickens Christmas story as a live radio play with "Vorleser NRW".

Tuesday, November 29, 7:30 p.m., Bocholt City Library // Tickets available now // Admission 9€, box office 10€

On Tuesday, November 29, 2022, the Readers NRW will perform Charles Dickens' Christmas story as a live radio play with background music. The Volkshochschule Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg and the municipal library invite all interested parties to the reading. Registrations can be made via the homepage and in the office of the Adult Education Center as well as in the library; an evening box office will also be set up.

Who doesn't know it - the famous story about the miser Ebenezer Scrooge? An icy wind blows through the streets of London from the 19th century. Charles Dickens' most famous story takes place against this eerily beautiful backdrop: The Christmas Story. The two actors Saskia Leder and Sebastian Coors have rediscovered the story for themselves and are presenting it as a reading in a live radio play. With fun in the creepy and scary, you will be taken into the story of the three ghosts who visit the old miser Scrooge on Christmas Eve.

Registration at the VHS and at the public library

Saskia Leder and Sebastian Coors studied acting, singing and dancing. For their radio plays, they use sounds, scenic play, language, music and wit to bring a story to life. The small noises and musical sounds put the listeners in an atmospheric mood and accompany them through the Christmas story.

The reading will take place on November 29, 2022 at 7:30 pm at the Bocholt Public Library. Admission is at 7 pm. The reading is supported by the association and sponsor of the adult education center Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg of the "Mayersche bookstore". Tickets are available in advance for €9 at www.vhs-bocholt.de, at the VHS office, at the municipal library or for €10 at the box office.

Even more Christmas spirit in the context of "800 years of Bocholt

Who would like to experience Dickens Christmas story afterwards again in a Bocholt interpretation, can experience on the following Saturday, 3 December, the "Bocholter Christmas story" at the St. Josef Gymnasium. With the participation of many Bocholt originals - such as the Meckermann or the Bocholt night watchman - the story about Scrooge is set in the life and scenery of Bocholt around 1900. Tickets are available at the Tourist-Info and at the BBV.