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 City archivist Renate Volks-Kuhlmann invites you to take a look inside the otherwise closed stacks of Bocholt's city archives.
City archivist Renate Volks-Kuhlmann invites you to take a look inside the otherwise closed stacks of Bocholt's city archives.
 Letterhead of the Bocholt textile factory Frentrop & Co with steamship and eagle on the ocean
Letterhead of the Bocholt textile factory Frentrop & Co with steamship and eagle on the ocean
01. February 2024City history

A look behind the scenes of the city archive

Bocholt city history discussion group invites you to an archive tour on Wednesday, 21 February, from 6.30 pm // Register now

The Bocholt city archives and the adult education centre invite you to a guided tour of the archives and a look behind the scenes as part of the "Gesprächskreis Bocholter Stadtgeschichte" on Wednesday, 21 February. Meeting point and start at Werkstraße 19 is at 6.30 pm.


Registration is now possible by e-mail to stadtarchiv(at)bocholt(dot)de or at www.vhs-bocholt.de. Participation is free of charge. If the number of registrations exceeds the participant capacity, another archive tour is planned for Wednesday, 22 May 2023, at 6.30 pm.

Traces of the colonial past

The archive team headed by Renate Volks-Kuhlmann, Hendrik Schlaghecken and Wolfgang Tembrink will present how the city archive works and the various sources and research opportunities. The tour will also include a look at the archive library and magazine.

The tour will focus on the question of what traces of the colonial past can be found in the Bocholt city archives. Memorial stones, street names and colonial collection objects are among the obvious and now frequently thematised traces of the colonial past. Traces of colonial history can also be found in official documents, newspaper reports and photographs in the Bocholt city archives. For example, a " cotton map of German East Africa" and a letterhead of the Bocholt textile company Frentrop & Co with a steamship and eagle on its way to the colonies can be found from the imperial era. In the newspapers, the Arab Café on Karolinger Strasse advertises the appearance of "Beautiful Black Henry".

 City archivist Renate Volks-Kuhlmann invites you to take a look inside the otherwise closed stacks of Bocholt's city archives.
City archivist Renate Volks-Kuhlmann invites you to take a look inside the otherwise closed stacks of Bocholt's city archives.
 Letterhead of the Bocholt textile factory Frentrop & Co with steamship and eagle on the ocean
Letterhead of the Bocholt textile factory Frentrop & Co with steamship and eagle on the ocean