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 The sand dune field in the Hohenhorst mountains
The sand dune field in the Hohenhorst mountains
12. April 2023City Hall

Protection measures for the "Hohenhorster Berge" nature reserve in planning

District of Borken/Bocholt - The members of the "Round Table" for the "Hohenhorster Berge" nature reserve in Bocholt - which includes the landowner, the hunting community, the nature conservation authority of the district of Borken, NABU and the town of Bocholt - were unanimous after their most recent meeting in the Borken District House: they see a need for action to specifically protect this area and at the same time to continue to enable visitors to "experience nature" there through suitable visitor guidance measures.

As a result of the heavy use of the area by groups of people, however, a large number of "trampling paths" have developed which cut through the sensitive area. The "polluters" are obviously dog owners who let their animals run free in the area, recreationists who leave the prescribed paths, mountain bikers and horse riders. Especially in the breeding and sowing season, which is now beginning, this unfortunately causes considerable disturbances, it was said at the meeting.

Therefore, those present discussed in particular measures to guide visitors, which must now be further specified and then implemented. They had the following goals in mind, which are also listed in the landscape plan for the protected area:

  • Preservation of the extensive sand dune field
  • Preservation and promotion of rare sandy dry grasslands with their characteristic species inventory
  • Preservation, restoration and development of the deciduous forest communities in accordance with the potential natural vegetation
  • Conservation, maintenance and development of broom areas
  • Preservation for reasons of geological history and regional history
  • Preservation of the rarity, special characteristics and beauty of the area.

"We are happy when recreation seekers, walkers and nature lovers visit the 'Hohenhorster Berge', experience nature and can switch off there," said Friedel Wielers from the Nature and Environment Department of the District of Borken at the meeting and added: "However, it is important that everyone behaves considerately towards nature and living creatures. In particular: dogs must be kept on a leash and - which should actually be a matter of course everywhere, but unfortunately is not always observed there - no rubbish may be thrown away." Just like the district of Borken, the hunters' association, the NABU district association and the city of Bocholt also appeal to people to behave prudently and protect the area.

In the next step, all those involved want to meet on site to agree on the future routing of the paths as well as the locations of information boards and barrier areas. The district of Borken will inform the population about the concrete planning before implementation begins.


Almost four percent of the district's area is designated as a nature reserve, and for good reason: these areas are often the last and only refuges for animal and plant species in an increasingly polluted landscape. Consequently, it is not permitted to stay off the paths.

The term "paths" is used here to refer only to paths specifically designed for visitors and with an appropriately developed structure. On the other hand, forestry tracks or "trampling paths" that cut through nature conservation areas are not included. It is important to note that violating the prohibitions in nature conservation areas is an administrative offence and can be punished with a fine.

Source: Borken District Press Office

 The sand dune field in the Hohenhorst mountains
The sand dune field in the Hohenhorst mountains