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 The logo of the \
The logo of the "Notinsel" partners
30. August 2023Children and youth

City seeks "Notinsel" partners

Training next Monday, 4 September // Points of contact for children

"Notinseln", these are contact points for children who need help - no matter whether it is a lost bicycle key, a missed bus or trouble with other children. Next Monday, there will again be a training session for people from shops and institutions who want to become Notinsel partners.

The Alliance for Families and the municipal department for youth, family, school and sports are offering a training session for shops and institutions that want to become Notinsel partners next Monday, 4 September, at 7 pm. The training will take place in the Education and Culture Department of the City of Bocholt, Neutorplatz 3, 3rd floor, and will last about one hour. Please register at annette.huenting-deckers(at)bocholt(dot)de.

Help in times of need

"Notinseln" are contact points for children who need help, for example because they have lost their bicycle key or missed the bus or feel threatened by other children. Shops and institutions whose business premises are at ground level and easily accessible can become "emergency islands". To avoid misunderstandings, at least two people must always be present.

Another requirement is that at least one representative of the future "Notinsel" partner attends a training session. In the training, the participants receive information about the special features of the "Notinsel" project and learn how they should behave in an emergency.

Emergency islands can be recognised by the emergency island sticker, which is placed in a clearly visible position at the entrance. The "Notinsel" project is supported by the city's Department of Family, Youth, School and Sport.

 The logo of the \
The logo of the "Notinsel" partners