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Day care day

Many activities are taking place throughout the Borken district to mark Day Care Day on 19 March. Bocholt facilities are also taking part - you can find an overview here.

On "Day of Day Care", more than 30 facilities in the Borken district open their doors to interested parties in the afternoon or evening. "We don't want to talk about the day care services on offer without involving the day care centres themselves, because they are the professionals" says Lena Schlamann.

On this day, visitors can obtain information and advice from staff on site and ask questions.

Many day care centres in the city offer themed events. Interested parties can find out more about the topic there.

In Bocholt, the following facilities are taking part in the day of action:

  • DRK senior citizens' centre at Fildeken:
    Open afternoon
    Mühlenweg 20 a
    46395 Bocholt
    2 - 5 pm
    Staff will be on site to answer questions. Coffee, cake and cold drinks are available.
  • Bokeltsen Day Centre: Open evening
    Böggeringstraße 1-3; 46395 Bocholt
    18.30 - 20.30
    Staff will be on site and happy to answer questions. Catering will be provided.
    Note: Online presentation by the Borken district "Costs and benefits of day care" at 7 pm will be shown on site
  • Ewaldi Day Care Centre
    Schwertstraße 28, 46395 Bocholt
    4 - 7 p.m.
    Ways through the care jungle: We advise on care insurance benefits and financing day care. Some of our staff will be on hand to answer questions. Hot and cold drinks will be available.
  • Day care centre at Käthe-Kollwitz-Haus: Open evening
    Rudolf-Virchow-Straße 5, 46397 Bocholt
    17 - 20:30
    Management and staff will be happy to answer questions and show you round the premises. Coffee/tea and cold drinks available.
    Note: Online presentation by the Borken district "Costs and benefits of day care" at 7 pm will be shown on site
  • Day care centre at Diepenbrockstift: Picture presentation about life in the day care centre
    Niederbruch 14, 46397 Bocholt
    5 - 8 p.m.
    Some of the staff will be on site to answer questions. Cold drinks will be served.
    Note: Online presentation by the Borken district "Costs and benefits of day care" at 7 pm will be shown on site

Anyone interested can attend the digital presentation "Costs and benefits of day care" free of charge. The district has set a link for participation, this is:

www.kreis-borken.de/pflege-vortrag (The link leads to Zoom)

Alternatively, the lecture will also be offered on site, you can see which facilities are participating in the list above.