Colour tone & Fasten Seat Belt
Rock night
Rock night:
Farbklang & Fasten Seat Belt
Tickets (10 Euro VVK / 13 Euro AK) are available at the local advance booking offices Touristinfo, theatre office and BBV Bocholt
and online at
... offers the complete range between hard rock handles and sensitive ballads....
This is energetic German music from the heart of the Ruhr region!
After the final formation in 2019, the group was able to book numerous appearances, including at festivals
such as Trallafiiti in Essen, Stadtfest Bottrop and Essen as well as smaller club stage concerts.
In 2020 veröentlichte FARBKLANG released its first single "Maske" on all commercial streaming platforms
including Spotify, Youtube etc. In 2022, the first EP under the title Träumen incl. the associated
single release and session music video "Leinen Los" veröentlicht.
In summary, Farbklang shows itself with the most diverse musical influences. The striking
two-part sing-a-long chorus melodiously blends into various genres, covering the entire spectrum between hard rock riffs and sensitive ballads.
The group thus offers a wide
variation of emotional as well as
danceable melodies!
Fasten Seat Belt
Fasten Seat Belt (FSB) rocks. The band from Bocholt and Rhede can look back on a history of over 30 years and is probably one of the oldest bands still active in the district. FSB has made a name for itself at numerous club gigs and open airs in the Borken district and beyond. Magnus Belting (guitar, vocals), Klaus Farwick (bass), Martin Hünting (guitar), Matthias Grütter (guitar, vocals) and Thorsten Schröer (drums) have written well over 50 songs in FSB's history. They have released two CDs ("Save Your Soul"; "Secret Of Fear") and are working on their third album.
FSB stands for gritty, classic and guitar-heavy rock - without frills or compromises. The five musicians offer a complete package of good humour and a live performance lasting several hours.
Further information is available from Matthias Grütter on 0171-4158603 or on the Internet at and online at Spotify and Co.
Our album "Secret Of Fear" (nine songs)
Our album "Save Your Soul" (ten songs)