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 Appreciation: In Bocholt, deputy mayor Elisabeth Kroesen awarded honorary activity cards to citizens who voluntarily engage in social activities. Larissa Eiting (front, with symbolic card) is the youngest person from Bocholt to be awarded the honorary card. Eiting is involved in the VfL 45 association and the DLRG.
Appreciation: In Bocholt, deputy mayor Elisabeth Kroesen awarded honorary activity cards to citizens who voluntarily engage in social activities. Larissa Eiting (front, with symbolic card) is the youngest person from Bocholt to be awarded the honorary card. Eiting is involved in the VfL 45 association and the DLRG.
03. March 2023Honorary office

"Appreciation for great voluntary work".

29 committed citizens of Bocholt awarded with honorary activity card // 664 cards handed out so far since the beginning

29 citizens of Bocholt who do voluntary social work have now been awarded the Bocholt Volunteer Card. "The Ehrenamtskarte is an expression of appreciation for the great voluntary work you do in different ways and in very different institutions," explained Deputy Mayor Elisabeth Kroesen, who conveyed the thanks on behalf of the city and state of NRW.

"It would be hard to imagine living together in a city like Bocholt if it weren't for their voluntary work," said Kroesen, who, together with Nina Kremer and Rainer Howestädt, who coordinate voluntary work on the part of the city of Bocholt, had invited people to the clubhouse of VfL 45 Bocholt for the ceremony.

Citizens who are committed to the common good can use the Ehrenamtskarte to take advantage of various offers and discounts from public, non-profit and private institutions.

Larissa Eiting was also honoured. The 15-year-old is involved in both the VfL 45 Bocholt sports club and the DLRG Bocholt. Eiting is the youngest holder of an honorary activity card in Bocholt to date. The card has been handed out here since 2013. 664 citizens have received this public recognition so far.

The following citizens were awarded the Ehrenamtskarte: Anna Armanious, Larissa Eiting, Dennis Elschot, Irmgard Engenhorst, Jessica Heveling, Tom Hoffmann, Marcel Hormes, Frank Librandi, Michael Ochmann, Lisa Potthoff, Rico Rodriguez, Sascha Ruhnke, Manuela Schmidt, Jörg Schmitz, Christian Schneiders, Bianca Weidemann, Jasmin Welling-Günzel (all VfL 45 Bocholt), Martin Frenk, Norbert Osterholt, Michael Schoch, Torsten Wollberg (all NABU Kreisverband Borken), Stephan Bösing, Andrea Christiane Stipp (both Verein "Leben im Alter"), Rolf Schwung (Katholische Kirchengemeinde St. Josef), Margot Koltermann (Bocholter Bürgergenossenschaft), Burkhard Jocks (Mouse Mobil group), Irmgard Engenhorst (Omega Bocholt e.V.), Hildegard Wevers (Jeanette Wolff Senior Citizens' Centre), Verena Nienhaus (Essbare Stadt Bocholt-Borken e.V.) and Gerd-Michael Weidemann (Montessori School / Parish of St. Georg).

More information about the Bocholt Volunteer Card is available on the municipal website at www.bocholt.de/soziales-und-bildung/soziale-einrichtungen/ehrenamtsfoerderung.

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 Appreciation: In Bocholt, deputy mayor Elisabeth Kroesen awarded honorary activity cards to citizens who voluntarily engage in social activities. Larissa Eiting (front, with symbolic card) is the youngest person from Bocholt to be awarded the honorary card. Eiting is involved in the VfL 45 association and the DLRG.
Appreciation: In Bocholt, deputy mayor Elisabeth Kroesen awarded honorary activity cards to citizens who voluntarily engage in social activities. Larissa Eiting (front, with symbolic card) is the youngest person from Bocholt to be awarded the honorary card. Eiting is involved in the VfL 45 association and the DLRG.