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Spielschar Mussum presents "Opa, et reicht"

Low German comedy in three acts by Bernd Gombold

This year, Spielschar Mussum is once again bringing you a turbulent comedy with lots of laughs and entertaining dialogue:

Stingy Magda and her husband Paul live on a farm together with fun-loving and shrewd Grandpa Karl and lovable and forgetful Grandma Lena. It goes without saying that trouble is inevitable! Grandpa spends his money on his mobile phone, laptop and motorbike and doesn't care much about working until he drops on the farm. He comes up with lots of crazy ideas to make life on the farm more pleasant again. There is no end to the excitement and misunderstandings: a break-in, a bad accident, uninvited holiday guests, large inheritances, the Italian mafia... and an insurance and hoover salesman all play their part!

In the end, even Magda wants nothing more than for everything to go back to the way it used to be in the face of increasingly chaotic circumstances...

Will it come to a happy ending? See for yourself!

Tickets are available in advance from 29 September at the Tourist-Info Bocholt, Nordstraße 14, at the Stenneken bakery, Hardtstraße 15, and at the box office 60 minutes before each performance. The performances are also accessible for people with walking disabilities. Further information at www.spielschar-mussum.de

The Spielschar Mussum is looking forward to your visit!