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Festivals / Parties

Sausage pick-up at the Craft Museum

For Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 February, the Bocholt Craft Museum invites you to a sausage pick-up.

"Frau goat noa'n Schorsteen" (Woman goat noa'n Schorsteen)

Picking up sausages is one of the most original carnival customs in Münsterland and probably much older than the Rhineland street carnival. The procedure is simple: people get together, go from house to house and sing a Heischelied (heischen is a form of begging). In Bocholt this is clearly "Frau goat noa'n Schorsteen".

In return, they receive small gifts. In the past, these were often foodstuffs that were not supposed to be eaten after carnival during Lent until Easter and therefore had to be eaten quickly until Ash Wednesday, e.g. sausage, eggs, but also beer and schnapps.

Nowadays, very few people drop in on strangers to ask for sausage and eggs. That's why we would like to offer a place to go in the Bocholt Handicrafts Museum, in the middle of the historic Fildeken district, for all fools who cherish this custom.

On Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 February, we would like to revive this tradition in the courtyard of the Bocholt Handicrafts Museum. From 11:11 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in each case, everyone is welcome for a stop at the traditional sausage pick-up, wearing at least one cardboard nose as a disguise and ALL! verses of Frao goat noa'n Schorsteen. But don't worry: song sheets will also be ready.

Text of "Frau goat noa'n Schorsteen"

Frau gaot nao'n Schorsteen, dor hangt de lange Worsten,
gew me de langen, un laot de korten mor hangen!
Frau, gew me deet, Frau, gew me dat.
Woman, win me a piece of the Poggenstatt!

Frau gao nao't Eiernüst, dor ligge de Eier, sesse,
If I win them, they'll stay for a while.
Woman, win me over, woman, win me over.
Woman, win me a piece of the Poggenstatt!

Don't let me stay so long,
I have to go back to the kitchen!
Woman, win me this, woman, win me that.
Woman, win me a piece of the Poggenstatt!

Free admission to the museum

For singing children, we will have sausage, cheese and eggs as well as sweets. Several delegations of carnival clubs from the neighbourhood of Bocholt and even from the Ruhr area have already announced their attendance.

  • Free admission
  • Donations for the museum are requested

The event is supported with delicious donations in kind by:

Hofladen Slütter
Cheese shop Leidiger
Bakery Görkes
Butcher's shop Jöster

Thank you very much!

PS: When sausage and eggs are up, sausage and eggs are up. First come, first serve, as the Westphalians say.