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Midday - The Special Film

Drama with Charly Hübner // Kinodrom // 6 Euro

The main character stands in a rural landscape, gazes pensively into the distance and has his hands on his hips.

The drama "Mittagsstunde" tells the story of Ingwer, a lecturer from Kiel, who returns to his home village of Brinkebüll at the age of 47. But when he arrives in his old home, nothing is as it used to be. The village school has long since closed, the small farms have had to make way for large inns and instead of country roads there are now many motorways. Ginger asks himself the question: When did this decline begin? He returns to his home village because his parents Sönke and Ella are becoming increasingly dependent on care. Both are still trying hard to keep their inn alive. His father is still stubbornly standing behind his counter, while his mother is increasingly losing her mind. During his time in his home country, he realises the reason for her actions and gains insights into his childhood in the 1970s.

Director: Lars Jessen (97 minutes)

Tickets can be ordered online on the Kinodrom website.

About the special film campaign

The film series "KINO Bocholt - der besondere Film" has existed since 1977 as a cooperation between the Department of Education and Culture and the Kinodrom Bocholt. The aim is to present unusual films - which would otherwise not be shown in Bocholt - to an interested audience of all ages at a reasonable price. As a rule, selected films are shown every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month.