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Hub contact münsterLAND

The participative conference event for SMEs and start-ups on digital transformation in Münsterland.

Sky Lounge_Hub_Contact

Hub-Kontakt is the participatory conference event for SMEs and start-ups on digital transformation in Münsterland. 2023 brings together business, science, institutions, associations and startups from the region in Bocholt. At the end of the day, startups from our Accelerator Programme will take to the stage at the "Demoday on Tour".

The conference starts at 12.00 with a lunch snack. At 1 p.m., the programme section begins with keynote speeches and participatory discussion rounds. Participants will discuss the challenges of digital transformation for companies, including how cooperation with digital start-ups can help to overcome them. The event will conclude with networking in the evening.

You can find more information and register here: https://www.digitalhub.ms/events/hub-kontakt