German-Dutch cycle tour - for the climate to the freedom meal
As part of the CITY CYCLING programme, cycle together to the freedom meal in Dinxperlo and back along smugglers' trails. Guided cycle tour with Bocholt's night watchman, Florian Sauret.
On smugglers' trails to Suderwick and Dinxperlo
Collective, cross-border cycle tour to the Freedom Meal in Dinxperlo -
After the first destination, the "Freiheitsmahlzeit", this tour, led by Bocholt night watchman Florian Sauret, runs along the border, peppered with episodes and anecdotes about border history.
- Start: 10:00 am at the historic town hall
- first to Dinxperwick (Suderwick and Dinxperlo)
- after the freedom feast, the cycle tour runs along former smugglers' paths back to Bocholt
- Route approx. 25 km long and manageable for all participants
There will be repeated stops at historically significant locations and participants will learn more from the night watchman about centuries-old border conflicts, the ingenuity of former smugglers and about life here on the border today.
Participation in the cycle tour as part of the CITY CYCLING programme and the freedom meal is free of charge and the number of participants is limited to 20.
Prior registration is required by 3 May via klimaschutz(at)bocholt(dot)de.
The German-Dutch Cycle Tour - for the climate to the Freedom Meal project is made possible by the Interreg Germany-Netherlands programme and its programme partners and is co-financed by the European Union (EU).