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"Crows" - The special film

Nature is watching us!!! Fascinating documentary film in cinema format about the highly intelligent corvids, in cooperation with the NABU Borken district association.

2024_01_23 Cinema poster crows co DCM

Crows and ravens have accompanied and observed us since the beginning of human history. They have seen our first upright steps and heard our first articulated sounds. They have conquered new continents with us and experienced all our wars and battles. They celebrate weddings with us, feed on the remains of romantic picnics and wild parties and pick over our rubbish on the rubbish dumps of the big cities or as companions of the rubbish collectors. Crows and ravens follow us because we are the best hunters, the cruelest warriors, the greatest exploiters, the most rampant consumers. There is always enough to eat in our neighbourhood. There are ravens almost everywhere where people live. And there are more and more of them!

90 minutes, Director: Martin Schilt

Advance ticket sales

Trailer and other special films

About the special film campaign

The film series "KINO Bocholt - the special film" has existed since 1977 as a cooperation between the Department of Education and Culture and Kinodrom Bocholt. The aim is to present exceptional films - which would otherwise not be shown in Bocholt - to an interested audience of all ages at a favourable price. Selected films are usually shown every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month.