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Cabaret / Comedy

15th Cabaret Festival with Hennes Bender

15th Cabaret Festival with Hennes Bender

VVK 16 Euro AK 18 Euro

The WDR 5 Cabaret Festival
for the 15th time in the Alte Molkerei

Tickets available in advance from May 2023

When Hennes Bender looks forward to his presentation at the Alte Molkerei, it's for a very special reason. For 15 years he has been a very welcome guest in the then always sold-out Molkerei to decorate and adorn the WDR5 cabaret festival with his verbal capers. Always landing safely on stage, he presents his and our guests with a lot of humour and wordplay. This is what happened last year in 2022, as well as in the years before. Sensationally lively and entertaining, he will also host the 15th Cabaret Festival this year and present us with his guests, two of whom are already well-known: Philipp Weber and Michael Frowin, both veterans of upscale entertainment, known from the three F's like film, radio, television as well as countless shows throughout the country each year. Philipp Weber is a cabaret artist, book author, polymath - he'll prove it to us - and consumer advocate. This jack-of-all-trades is celebrating his 25th stage anniversary with us and describes the past 25 years as a beautiful, exciting and wild ride. So we can already look forward to him and his eloquent excursions. Man is racing into the future. But instead of looking ahead, everyone is staring at their smartphones. Homo digitalis stumbles so stooped into the next millennium that he will soon have forgotten how to walk upright again. Creepy! For years the Stasi bugged Uncle Heinz's flat and today he buys Alexa. Will man be replaced by machines - or liberated? Is the "end of work" coming? Great, then we'll finally have time for something meaningful! Michael Frowins' versatility is also amazing: whether as a cabaret artist on TV or on stage,
...read more at www.alte-molkerei.info