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Inter-religious peace prayer on Benölkenplatz

On Wednesday, 15 November, an interreligious prayer for peace will take place on Benölkenplatz in Bocholt. It starts at 5 pm. A cosy get-together is planned afterwards. It was exactly seven years ago that the artist couple Carmen Dietrich and Gregor Merten, together with representatives of the Abrahamic religions and citizens of Bocholt, laid the "Angel of Cultures" as a floor inlay on Benölkenplatz. At that time, all participants made a promise to respect each other and to work for peace in the city so that good living together can succeed locally: - We live in one world - We allow each other and give each other space to develop - Humanity and respect for creation shape the centre formed by all - We are connected to each other and will only shape the future together and peacefully. "We would like to repeat this promise on 15 November at Benölkenplatz. Everyone who is concerned about the topic of 'peace' in our city but also worldwide is invited," says Ulrik Störzer from the family education centre, one of the organisers together with the integration council and integration office of the city of Bocholt, hoping for as large a turnout as possible. After the prayer for peace, we invite all guests to a cosy get-together and exchange with drinks and snacks in the refectory of the Georg," adds Bruno Wansing, Integration Officer of the City of Bocholt.