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 Contact details of the \
Contact details of the "Dementia Network Bocholt" cooperation partners
 Schedule of the telephone week for carers of dementia patients
Schedule of the telephone week for carers of dementia patients
10. October 2023Seniors

Telephone week: "Support in difficult times".

"Dementia Network Bocholt" offers telephone counselling for caring relatives of dementia patients from 16-20 October

The "Dementia Network Bocholt" runs a telephone counselling service from 16-20 October aimed at caring relatives of dementia patients.

Caring for a loved one at home can be one of the most challenging tasks that family members face. The physical and emotional strain that comes with this responsibility often leads to profound changes in the life of the carer.

In these difficult times, support is crucial, and this is exactly what the "Dementia Network Bocholt" offers during the telephone week from 16 to 20 October 2023. Relatives have the opportunity to share their concerns and challenges, whether it is organising care, dealing with dementia or balancing family, work and caregiving commitments.

Telephone Week is an offer created specifically for family caregivers: It offers callers an opportunity to exchange ideas and relieve stress, and to receive information about further support services locally, according to the organisers.

Anonymous and confidential

What makes this initiative particularly valuable is the anonymity and confidentiality of the counselling. Relatives can talk about their feelings and challenges without shyness. They do not have to make an appointment or leave the house, but simply pick up the phone.

The members of the "Dementia Network Bocholt" will be available every day during the entire telephone week to offer their support.

Dates and telephone numbers

Monday, 16.10., 9-12 a.m. and 2-5 p.m:
Regional Office West Münsterland District of Borken
Regional Office Team Tel.: 0251-981689 23340

Tuesday, 17.10., 9am-12pm, 2pm-4pm:
City of Bocholt
Care Coordination and Senior Citizens' Office Team of the Senior Citizens' Office
Tel.: 02871-953-2234 u. 953-2342

Ärztenetz BOHRIS e.V.
Sarah Underberg Tel.: 0151 72877099

Wednesday, 18.10., 9-12 hrs, 14-16 hrs:
City of Bocholt
Care Coordination and Senior Citizens' Office Team of the Senior Citizens' Office
Tel.: 02871-953-2234 and 953-2342

Leben im Alter e.V.
Andrea Hoffjann Tel.: 01523-2176564

Thursday 19 Oct, 10am-12pm, 2pm-4pm:
Marriage, family and life counselling
EFL team Tel.: 02871-183808

Contact office for care self-help in the Borken district
Dr. H. Elisabeth Philipp-Metzen Tel.: 02554-917611

Friday, 20.10., 9-12 hrs, 16:30-18:30 hrs:
Caritas Bocholt
Caritas team Tel.: 02871-25131205

German Red Cross Bocholt
Karin Wienand
Tel.: 02871-310 8888

 Contact details of the \
Contact details of the "Dementia Network Bocholt" cooperation partners
 Schedule of the telephone week for carers of dementia patients
Schedule of the telephone week for carers of dementia patients