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 Flyer: Online discussion on freedom of the press
Flyer: Online discussion on freedom of the press
08. May 2023Europe/EDI

Open online discussion on press freedom

Member of the board of Reporters Without Borders Germany and EU expert at

For Thursday evening, 11 May, an online discussion round is planned under the motto "Freedom of the Press - Our Freedom". Gemma Pörzgen, board member of "Reporters without Borders Germany" and editor-in-chief of the magazine "East-West European Perspectives", as well as EU expert Prof. Siebo Janssen will be taking part.

Freedom of the press was hardly a problem within the EU for years. Attempts to restrict it on a larger scale or to threaten the media even resulted in resignations of top political personnel in Europe.

In times of "fake news" and "alternative facts", this no longer seems to be a matter of course. As can be observed in Poland or Hungary, a critical press is increasingly confronted with a block of state-controlled media. This problem is even more evident outside the borders of the EU and in relation to "social media": In the context of Russia's war of aggression on Ukraine, it can be observed how the discourses of a democratic public are influenced with misinformation.

What are these developments doing to European societies and a democratic European public? What about the so-called "fourth estate" and its influence? Will a free press still be able to remain a pillar of our democracy and values in Europe?

Gemma Pörzgen, chair of Reporters without Borders, and Prof. Siebo Janssen, an expert on Europe, will discuss with you. The event will be moderated by Jochen Leyhe.

Registration by e-mail to EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt(europe-direct(at)bocholt(dot)de), subject: "Freedom of the press".

Go directly to the online event

Topic: Freedom of the press - our freedom!

11 May 2023 - 7 pm

Join Zoom meeting: https: //eu01web.zoom.us/j/68525780844?pwd=Q2c5QWdVV3lqaHJ6QVhnKzNXcFdQUT09

Meeting ID: 685 2578 0844

ID code: 628986

 Flyer: Online discussion on freedom of the press
Flyer: Online discussion on freedom of the press