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 Project choir with Bocholt song
Project choir with Bocholt song
19. January 2024Europe/EDI

Bocholt choir plans trip to France

Visit to French twin town Aurillac in October // Interested singers can join in

A choir from Bocholt is planning a trip to the French twin town of Aurillac from 11-16 October 2024. A friendship concert with the partner choir "Chorale de Millénaire" will take place there. Interested singers are welcome and can join in. The project is supported by EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt.

For further information on the choir rehearsals and the trip, please contact Leo Heßling, speaker of the project choir "Städtepartnerschaften", on Tel. 02871 / 40069.

During the information meeting in the St. Georg parish hall, Heßling also gave a review of the concert tour to the Belgian twin town of Bocholt last October. There, the Bocholt residents gave a concert together with the partner choir "Bocanto" in the church in the Belgian-Bocholt district of Reppel.

For the after-party with the Belgian friends, choir member Hein Bouwens rewrote the refrain of the well-known Bocholt song ("This comes from the Aa....") in Flemish and German. It now has the following lyrics :

"In the great Europe, in our peaceful corners,

there lie two little towns, Bocholt is the name of the spots

There the people sing, connected that is clear,

Isn't that marvellous, isn't that marvellous"

Sonja Wießmeier from EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt is delighted about this friendly gesture in a European context: "In this exciting year with European elections, it cannot be emphasised enough how wonderful friendly, in this case town twinning relationships with other countries are."

About the EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt

EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt is part of the Mayor's Office of the City of Bocholt and is the local contact point for questions relating to the European Union. Its task is to provide local citizens with information, advice, help and answers to questions about Europe. In addition, EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt aims to promote European involvement and provide information on current European political events.

 Project choir with Bocholt song
Project choir with Bocholt song