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 Ein ROSE E-Bike wird unter allen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern verlost, die mindestens 150 Kilometer fürs STADTRADELN gefahren sind.
Ein ROSE E-Bike wird unter allen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern verlost, die mindestens 150 Kilometer fürs STADTRADELN gefahren sind.
 STADTRADELN: Jetzt noch gefahrene Kilometer nachtragen
STADTRADELN: Jetzt noch gefahrene Kilometer nachtragen
17. May 2022Environmental Department

Final spurt for STADTRADELN campaign: Pedal hard now!

Bocholt cyclists have cycled over 311,900 kilometers so far // 1719 active participants in 230 teams

Final spurt in the Bocholt STADTRADELN: So far, a total of 311,934 kilometers have been covered on bikes in Bocholt - and around 48 tons of C02 avoided in the process. In the meantime, 1719 Bocholt cyclists in 230 teams are actively participating in STADTRADELN 2022 for Bocholt.

The absolute leader this year is the STADTRADELN team from Liebfrauen with over 33,000 bicycle kilometers, followed by the Mariengymnasium with almost 15,000 kilometers and the DJK Sportfreunde with around 12,300 kilometers.

At the top of the list for the most kilometers per cyclist are the STADTRADLERINN of the teams Nalei with an incredible 685 kilometers per head, Kampert with 673 kilometers per person, and Hofmeier on Tour with 564 kilometers ridden per person.

Many of Bocholt's city cyclists have already cleared the kilometer hurdles required to enter the raffle for the prizes offered in Bocholt this year.

To be won are:

  • 1st prize - A brand new urban e-bike "Sneak+ EQ" from ROSE Bikes - (requirement at least 150 bike kilometers).
  • 2nd prize - A 150€ ROSE Bikes voucher (requirement at least 100 bike kilometers),
  • 3rd prizes - A ROSE Bikes floor pump and a ROSE Bikes tool kit (requirement at least 50 bike kilometers).

By covering everyday and leisure routes by bicycle, more than 20,000 liters of fuel have been saved in Bocholt so far as part of STADTRADELN. Some Bocholt STADTRADELN teams have not yet entered their cycled kilometers of the 2nd week. "This can be made up in the course of this week, later it is then unfortunately no longer possible," says city planning officer Daniel Zöhler. "It would be a pity if the cycling kilometers driven for Bocholt could not be evaluated in this way," says the city building council. Because: Every kilometer counts!

 Ein ROSE E-Bike wird unter allen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern verlost, die mindestens 150 Kilometer fürs STADTRADELN gefahren sind.
Ein ROSE E-Bike wird unter allen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern verlost, die mindestens 150 Kilometer fürs STADTRADELN gefahren sind.
 STADTRADELN: Jetzt noch gefahrene Kilometer nachtragen
STADTRADELN: Jetzt noch gefahrene Kilometer nachtragen