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 Grafik zur Info-Veranstaltung zum Thema Corona-Kinderimpfungen
Grafik zur Info-Veranstaltung zum Thema Corona-Kinderimpfungen
05. January 2022Children and youth

Online event on the subject of "Corona child vaccinations".

Tuesday, January 11, 2022, from 18:30 as video conference via Zoom // Experts report and answer questions

To an open information event on the topic "Corona current: vaccinations of children and adolescents - background and information" invite the city of Bocholt and the local doctors network BOHRIS on Tuesday, January 11, 2022. The event will be held online, starting at 6:30 pm. Participants can join via "Zoom" (free tool for video conferencing).

Registration required

Experts from various disciplines will provide information on the topic and will be available to answer questions. Prior registration is required by January 10, 2022 via the link https://t1p.de/xubw.

For almost two years, the Corona pandemic has dominated general everyday life. Now that adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older can and, for the most part, have received the so-called "booster" to go with their first and second vaccinations, 5 to 11 year olds can also be vaccinated. This leads to many questions and uncertainties among parents, children and adolescents as well as employees in various educational institutions such as schools, daycare centers, youth facilities and clubs.

Against this background, the city of Bocholt invites all institutions of child and youth work, daycare centers, schools and clubs to the online event together with the Ärztenetz BOHRIS e.V.(www.bohris.net) as part of the project "Zukunftsstadt 2030+" funded by the Ministry of Education and Research. Interested citizens are also welcome.

Course of events and experts

After greetings of mayor Thomas Kerkhoff first Dr. med. Michael Adam, specialist for general medicine and managing director of the physician net BOHRIS registered association, will report on general information to the topic inoculations.

Afterwards Prof. Dr. Harald Michels, professor for culture-aesthetics-media and/or movement and experience-education of the university Duesseldorf, informs about the psycho-social consequences of corona with children and young people.

The chief physician of the pediatrics of the St. Agnes hospital Bocholt, Mrs. Dr. med Eva cock, mediates afterwards the view of the child and youth department of the hospital. Dr. med Julius Wiese as a specialist for pediatric and adolescent medicine reports on the experiences from the perspective of a pediatrician's practice.

Finally, Michael Heistermann, deputy head of the Borken district health office, will provide basic information on current events in the district.

Question and answer session

This will be followed by a moderated Q&A session with the above-mentioned experts. For this purpose, questions can be sent in advance to impfstelle(at)bocholt(dot)de.

It is possible to adapt the event program to the current Corona situation.

 Grafik zur Info-Veranstaltung zum Thema Corona-Kinderimpfungen
Grafik zur Info-Veranstaltung zum Thema Corona-Kinderimpfungen