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 Julia Bergerfurth (rechts) von der Stadtsparkasse Bocholt übergibt den neuen iPad-Transportkoffer an Jennifer Engels (links) von der JUNGEN UNI. Darüber freuen sich auch Dozent Ulrich Kolks und die jungen Kursteilnehmer Lennox, Jakob und Filip.
Julia Bergerfurth (rechts) von der Stadtsparkasse Bocholt übergibt den neuen iPad-Transportkoffer an Jennifer Engels (links) von der JUNGEN UNI. Darüber freuen sich auch Dozent Ulrich Kolks und die jungen Kursteilnehmer Lennox, Jakob und Filip.
14. March 2022Children and youth

JUNGE UNI is happy about iPad carrying case

New case has built-in battery to charge the devices // Box was sponsored by Stadtsparkasse Bocholt

The JUNGE UNI in Bocholt now has an iPad transport and charging case. On Thursday, March 10, 2022, this was now inaugurated in the presence of a representative of the sponsor, the Stadtsparkasse Bocholt, as well as some JUBoh students and the lecturer.

The JUNGE UNI in Bocholt recently received a transport and charging case for its iPads. The Stadtsparkasse Bocholt has been supporting the work of JUBoh for several years, so last year this case was purchased from the funding provided. Now it was in use for the first time, which was joyfully awaited together with the Stadtsparkasse Bocholt.

Julia Bergerfurth, employee of the Stadtsparkasse Bocholt could now make herself a picture of the box and was visibly excited. "There is now room for six iPads here and they can be transported safely, but also completely independently by the children and young people. The absolute highlight: the iPads can also be charged in the case in a space-saving and well-protected way," says Jennifer Engels, head of JUNGE UNI. From now on, only a single power outlet is needed for charging. "The devices now no longer have to be distributed all over the room," Engels says.

Ulrich Kolks, who conducts some courses involving iPad use at JUNGE UNI, is also pleased with the new tool, which also promotes a longer shelf life for the devices. The first JUBoh students immediately grabbed the case and took it to their classroom to start the course "Safe use of smartphones, tablets, etc." full of energy.

"We would like to sincerely thank the Stadtsparkasse for this generous sponsorship, which enables us to make this purchase and transport our devices comfortably and safely," says Jennifer Engels. "We appreciate any sponsorship and assure that all funds will benefit our participating children and youth."

 Julia Bergerfurth (rechts) von der Stadtsparkasse Bocholt übergibt den neuen iPad-Transportkoffer an Jennifer Engels (links) von der JUNGEN UNI. Darüber freuen sich auch Dozent Ulrich Kolks und die jungen Kursteilnehmer Lennox, Jakob und Filip.
Julia Bergerfurth (rechts) von der Stadtsparkasse Bocholt übergibt den neuen iPad-Transportkoffer an Jennifer Engels (links) von der JUNGEN UNI. Darüber freuen sich auch Dozent Ulrich Kolks und die jungen Kursteilnehmer Lennox, Jakob und Filip.