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Concert "From Toledo to Jerusalem

A musical journey through Judaism with Hebrew, Sephardic and Yiddish songs with Esther Lorenz, vocals + recitation and Peter Kuhz, guitar.


With her new musical journey, singer Esther Lorenz presents Israeli and Spanish-Jewish musical culture. There is also space for Eastern Jewry with its rich lyrical and spiritual world. The poet Abraham Reisen is often called the "Heinrich Heine of the Yiddish language". His poem "Vek nisht" will be set to music by Esther Lorenz in a duet with Peter Kuhz, who will accompany the concert on guitar.

With "Hinach Yaffa", the chanson composer and singer Georges Moustaki musically captured the romantic Song of Songs - "How beautiful you are my friend, how beautiful". With "Bashana haba'a", Esther Lorenz recalls the Jewish New Year's promise "Next year in Jerusalem" and quotes King David in Psalm 57, who wants to wake the sun with his harp.

Less well known is the music of the Sephardic Jews, who settled throughout southern Europe, in Israel as well as in New York after their expulsion from Spain in the Middle Ages. "Adio Querida" - the farewell to the beloved became the epitome of these Sephardic musical traditions. Even today, Spanish flamenco recalls the Moorish sounds of this almost forgotten culture.

Explanations of customs, poetry recitations and forays through Jewish history from the Middle Ages to the present day as well as the famous Jewish pinch of humour complete this cultural kaleidoscope.

The event will take place after the commemoration of the November pogrom at the memorial to the desecrated synagogue on the forecourt of the Haus des Handwerks, Europaplatz 17. The event is organised by the Department of Culture and Education of the City of Bocholt in cooperation with the Protestant Church Community. Admission is free.