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Pushing the school bench in Bocholt

From infants to secondary schools to studying at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences: Bocholt is an educational centre with great diversity.

There are many childcare options for pupils at Bocholt schools.

Primary schools

Name Type Address
Annette-von-Droste-Hülshoff-School Verl. Half-day school and all-day programme Wiesenstraße 81, 46395 Bocholt
Biemenhorster School Verl. half-day school and all-day programme Birkenallee 70 and Weserstraße 4, 46395 Bocholt
Clemens-August-School Verl. Half-day school and all-day programme Breslauer Straße 28, 46397 Bocholt
Clemens-Dülmer-School Verl. Half-day school and all-day programme Stresemannstraße 1, 46397 Bocholt

Maria Montessori School

- Community primary school association of the city of Bocholt with Montessori programme

Montessori school, extended half-day school and all-day programme Europaplatz 32, 46399 Bocholt
Partial location Knufstraße Knufstraße 8, 46397 Bocholt
Josef School Verl. Half-day school and all-day programme Hohenzollernstraße 27, 46395 Bocholt
Kreuzschule Verl. Half-day school and all-day programme Mussumer Esch 4, 46395 Bocholt
Liebfrauen primary school Verl. Half-day school and all-day programme In der Dille 13, 46397 Bocholt
Partial location Barlo Barloer Ringstraße 19, 46397 Bocholt
Ludgerus primary school alliance Verl. Half-day school and all-day programme Kurfürstenstr. 160b, 46399 Bocholt
St Bernhard School Verl. Half-day school and all-day programme Thonhausenstr. 30, 46395 Bocholt

Secondary schools

Your name School address
Arnold-Janssen-School Karolingerstraße 30, 46395 Bocholt
Hohe-Giethorst-School Büningweg 29, 46397 Bocholt

Secondary schools

Your name Address
Albert-Schweitzer-Realschule Herzogstraße 14, 46399 Bocholt
Israhel-van-Meckenem-Realschule Münsterstraße 91, 46397 Bocholt

Grammar schools

Your name Address
St George Grammar School Adenauerallee 1, 46399 Bocholt
Mariengymnasium Schleusenwall 1, 46395 Bocholt
Euregio-Gymnasium Unter den Eichen 6, 46397 Bocholt

St Joseph Grammar School

- Episcopal grammar school

Hemdener Weg 19, 46399 Bocholt

Comprehensive school

Your name Address
Bocholt Municipal Comprehensive School Rheinstraße 4, 46395 Bocholt

Vocational schools

Your name Address
Vocational College Bocholt-West Schwanenstraße 19-21, 46399 Bocholt
Vocational college at the water tower Herzogstraße 4, 46399 Bocholt
August Vetter Vocational College Dinxperloer Straße 56, 46399 Bocholt

Westmünsterland further education college

Evening grammar school and evening secondary school

Paul-Schneider-Weg 3, 46399 Bocholt

Special schools

Your name Address
Overbergschule - Borken district special school specialising in learning (Bocholt site) Don-Bosco-Straße 52, 46397 Bocholt
Bischof-Ketteler-Schule - Private special school with a focus on mental development run by the Caritas Association Horststraße 28, 46397 Bocholt


Studying in Bocholt

Innovative degree programmes, international contacts, attractive jobs: this is what studying at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences in Bocholt offers.

You can study here, among other things

  • Economics
  • Electrical engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Bionics
  • ...

Childcare services in schools

Open all-day school (OGS)

Full-day care for pupils in Bocholt primary schools. Learn more ...

Reliable half-day school K.i.d.S.

Reliable care every school day until 1.30 or 2 pm. Learn more ...

St. George School Childcare

The schoolchildren's group of the parish of St. George looks after schoolchildren aged 6 -14 years after school until 6 pm. Learn more ...

Leisure centre Aasee Bocholt e.V.

As a recognised provider of child and youth work, the Freizeitanlage Aa-See Bocholt e.V. association has also been responsible for several "open all-day schools" since 2007. Find out more...