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 Attention construction site
Attention construction site
03. April 2024Traffic

Traffic: Restrictions on Blücherstraße continue

Construction work extended until 12 April due to bad weather

The construction work and the associated traffic restrictions in the Blücherstraße area will last until 12 April, one week longer than originally planned. The reason for this is the poor weather conditions, which are causing delays at the construction site.

Supply lines are currently being laid at the junction with Münsterstraße. The area is therefore closed to traffic. Signposted diversion routes will lead into the city via Rheder Straße and out of the city via Moltkestraße. The city bus will also be diverted.

For the duration of the work, Moltkestraße will become a one-way street at the junction with Münsterstraße. It will not be possible to exit onto Münsterstraße.

Pedestrians will still be able to pass through the roadworks area.

 Attention construction site
Attention construction site