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 The bridge on Winkelhauser Weg is being renovated. The connecting road between Bocholt and Rhede will therefore be closed until the end of July 2024.
The bridge on Winkelhauser Weg is being renovated. The connecting road between Bocholt and Rhede will therefore be closed until the end of July 2024.
16. July 2024Traffic

Renovation of the bridge on Winkelhauser Weg

Popular cycle and footpath link between Bocholt and Rhede closed from 18 July to the end of July // Please note diversion

The bridge over the Kettelerbach at Winkelhauser Weg - near the Hohenhorster Berge - is being renovated. The work will begin on Thursday 18 July and is expected to last until the end of July. During this time, the bridge will be closed to cycle and pedestrian traffic.

For the duration of the project, a diversion will be set up for cyclists via Bocholter Straße, as the link is used intensively by both commuters and cyclists travelling by bike.

The refurbishment project is a joint initiative of the city of Rhede and the city of Bocholt. The plans include renewing the railings and the bridge surface as well as concrete repair work.

 The bridge on Winkelhauser Weg is being renovated. The connecting road between Bocholt and Rhede will therefore be closed until the end of July 2024.
The bridge on Winkelhauser Weg is being renovated. The connecting road between Bocholt and Rhede will therefore be closed until the end of July 2024.