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 A cycle lane is being marked out on Teutonenstraße
A cycle lane is being marked out on Teutonenstraße
08. March 2024Traffic

Cycle lane on Teutonenstraße

Road safety is improved

A cycle lane is being created on Teutonenstraße to improve road safety. The measure had to be postponed due to weather conditions and is now being implemented.

Bocholt's Teutonenstraße will have a protective cycle lane. The lane will be marked on the western side in the coming days. Studies and observations show that there is always an increased risk of accidents due to turning motorists on one-sided two-way cycle paths in city centres, as they do not always expect cycling traffic coming from the supposedly "wrong direction".

Drivers leaving property exits also do not always anticipate cycle traffic coming from the right, despite additional signs. In addition, cyclists travelling southwards must actually cross Teutonenstraße at the bend to Frankenstraße. As this often does not happen, there are further conflict situations caused by so-called "ghost cyclists" in the area of Frankenstraße and Siemensstraße.

In order to minimise these conflict situations, a protective cycle lane will be created on the western side of Teutonenstraße. This means that cyclists travelling southwards are constantly in the field of vision of motor traffic.

Once the cycle lane has been created, the current two-way cycle lane will only be used by cyclists travelling into the city (from south to north) - and they will be obliged to use it.

In future, cyclists travelling south from Karolingerstraße will have to use the new cycle lane. For children up to the age of 8 (must ride on the pavement) or up to the age of 10 (may ride on the pavement), the creation of the cycle lane will not change anything.

 A cycle lane is being marked out on Teutonenstraße
A cycle lane is being marked out on Teutonenstraße