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 Around 500 visitors came to the neighbourhood festival in the Bocholt cemetery settlement.
Around 500 visitors came to the neighbourhood festival in the Bocholt cemetery settlement.
18. August 2023Social

The "Quartierstreff am Brunnen

Residents of the cemetery settlement decide on the name of the new meeting place // Neighbourhood festival enjoys great response

"Quartierstreff am Brunnen" - this is now the name of the new meeting place for citizens at the corner of Breslauer Straße and Dortmunder Straße in Bocholt's Friedshofsviertel. Residents were able to choose from several name suggestions. The election took place during the neighbourhood festival, which was very well received.

In June, the former drinks shop in the neighbourhood was ceremoniously opened after its reconstruction, now it got its name.

It was raining when they set up, but the sun came out in time for the start of the neighbourhood festival - and attracted more than 500 visitors. The audience was a colourful mix. Senior citizens, families with children, with and without international family history, took advantage of numerous offers such as the police e-bike simulator, wheel of fortune, join-in circus, dance performances, face painting for children, handicrafts and much more. "There was something for everyone. I had not expected such a positive response in this weather," said organiser Agnes Wellkamp from the "Leben im Alter" association. The highlights were the singing performances of the well-known Bocholt native singer Winnie Biermann and the dance performances of the Famatro group.

The festival was supported by the housing companies LEG-Wohnen and Bocholter Heimbau eG, the foundation "Dein Zuhause hilft", the city of Bocholt and the association "Leben im Alter". Numerous volunteers from the neighbourhood and sponsors were also involved.

Background: Neighbourhood work in Bocholt

For some years now, neighbourhoods in Bocholt have been specifically promoted, for example in the "Friedhofsviertel", "Hochfeld" or "Fildeken". The aim is to strengthen neighbourly cohesion, enable integration and activate voluntary work.

More about neighbourhood work in Bocholt at https://www.bocholt.de/quartiere.

 Around 500 visitors came to the neighbourhood festival in the Bocholt cemetery settlement.
Around 500 visitors came to the neighbourhood festival in the Bocholt cemetery settlement.