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 Citizens are currently being surveyed in Bocholt's cemetery district,
Citizens are currently being surveyed in Bocholt's cemetery district,
04. July 2022Social

New neighbourhood office planned in the cemetery district

Former beverage shop on the corner of Breslauer Straße // Citizens are consulted

Surveys are being held in the neighbourhood around Bocholt's cemetery from today. Citizens can express their wishes, ideas and criticism as well as their expectations of the new neighbourhood office, which is due to open on the corner of Breslauer Straße (former drinks market). The survey will be conducted this week at prominent public meeting points in the neighbourhood. Doorstep interviews will take place from 18 July.

New neighbourhood meeting place

The association "Leben im Alter" (L-i-A) is planning to open a new neighbourhood meeting place at Breslauer Straße 2, in the former beverage market building. In addition to offering needs-based services for all residents of the neighbourhood, it will provide an opportunity to meet and socialise in the neighbourhood. Residents should be involved in the design of the neighbourhood meeting place and be able to express their own ideas and wishes.

Mobile survey

For this reason, the Research Centre for Social Space-Oriented Practical Research and Development at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences is carrying out a participation process in the cemetery district. Currently, from 4-10 July, a residents' survey is taking place at various locations in the Friedhofsviertel using mobile socio-spatial analysis and participation methods. For example, people have the opportunity to write down their own ideas for leisure activities on a movable wall and mark various locations on a map of the cemetery neighbourhood.

Doorstep survey

From 18 July to 20 August, residents are invited to take part in a short interview. Participation is voluntary. Interviewers from the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences and L-i-A will be out and about in the cemetery neighbourhood collecting assessments and opinions.

The survey conducted by Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences will be analysed anonymously in accordance with scientific standards. Neither the city of Bocholt nor the co-operation partners will have access to the data.

Citizens' meeting in October

Against the background of the survey results, a joint workshop will be held in October in a convivial atmosphere to consider how the wishes and ideas expressed can be implemented. All residents are cordially invited to attend on 21 October 2022 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Breslauer Straße 24 (St. Paul parish).


This project is financially supported by the "Stiftung - Dein Zuhause hilft", an initiative of the LEG Immobilien Group. Other participants are the city of Bocholt (neighbourhood development), Bocholter Heimbau e.G., Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences and L-i-A.

 Citizens are currently being surveyed in Bocholt's cemetery district,
Citizens are currently being surveyed in Bocholt's cemetery district,