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 Das Bocholter Euregio-Gymnasium
Das Bocholter Euregio-Gymnasium
18. May 2022School

First schedule for new building at Euregio-Gymnasium presented

City clearly in favor of school location // Next planning phase to begin this year

At the most recent council meeting on Wednesday, May 18, the administration presented initial plans for the design and new construction of the decommissioned parts of the Euregio Gymnasium. Accordingly, the first participation procedure is to start this year, at the end of which a new construction of the affected parts of the building is to stand.

The city had considered and preweighed the options of partial renovation and new construction. The administration is now proposing to rebuild the closed part of the Bocholt school with a modern concept. It is also currently investigating whether other parts of the building should also be rebuilt for business reasons.

"For a modern, future-proof building concept, it is important to also involve the school in the planning process at an early stage," says Mayor Thomas Kerkhoff. There are to be meetings with architects by the end of this year, and together the requirements for the school building are to be clarified.

After that, there could also be an architectural competition, says city building official Daniel Zöhler. This is currently still being examined. For further planning, tendering and awarding, the administration expects another one and a half years. Construction of the new school section can be expected to begin in 2026 at the earliest, according to the administration. For the construction period, the city expects about 24 months.

Council in favor of maintaining the school site

Already in October of last year, the council had clearly spoken out in favor of the school location Euregiogymnasium. "The commitment to a four-grade school is a clear positioning to strengthen the Euregio Gymnasium," says Thomas Waschki.

After extensive fire safety deficiencies became known in the summer of 2020, part of the Euregio Gymnasium in Bocholt had been shut down. The city had then purchased high-quality mobile room units. The head of the school department praised the good cooperation with the Euregiogymnasium. "The school and school management have shown great understanding for the measure," says Waschki.

 Das Bocholter Euregio-Gymnasium
Das Bocholter Euregio-Gymnasium