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 Anniversary: Jürgen Mecking has been working at Bocholt City Council for 40 years.
Anniversary: Jürgen Mecking has been working at Bocholt City Council for 40 years.
30. August 2024Press office

Jürgen Mecking celebrates his service anniversary

40 years with the city of Bocholt

Jürgen Mecking is now celebrating his 40th anniversary with the Bocholt city council.

Born in Bocholt, the 59-year-old began his career after leaving school as a trainee inspector in the school administration and culture department of the city of Bocholt. He later moved to the social services department. In 1997, Mecking became deputy head of the city treasury, and in 2006 he began working in the mayor's office, where he was responsible for the municipal meeting service. In 2021, he was appointed Head of the Mayor's Office.

In addition to his professional skills, Jürgen Mecking is appreciated by the staff for his open, humorous and communicative manner.

 Anniversary: Jürgen Mecking has been working at Bocholt City Council for 40 years.
Anniversary: Jürgen Mecking has been working at Bocholt City Council for 40 years.