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 Stadtbaurat Daniel Kubaai (vorne rechts) unterzeichnet zusammen mit Uwe Schramm von der Wohnbau Westmünsterland den Städtebaulichen Vertrag für die Realisierung des neuen Wohnquartiers im Kubaai-Nordareal. Bürgermeister Thomas Kerkhoff (hinten rechts) und Dr. Stefan Jägering (Wohnbau Westmünsterland) freuen sich, dass es zügig vorangeht.
Stadtbaurat Daniel Kubaai (vorne rechts) unterzeichnet zusammen mit Uwe Schramm von der Wohnbau Westmünsterland den Städtebaulichen Vertrag für die Realisierung des neuen Wohnquartiers im Kubaai-Nordareal. Bürgermeister Thomas Kerkhoff (hinten rechts) und Dr. Stefan Jägering (Wohnbau Westmünsterland) freuen sich, dass es zügig vorangeht.
27. January 2022Planning and building

Cubaai-North: Construction project progresses

City and investor sign second stage of urban development contract for realization of approx. 450 apartments on Bocholter Aa

The planned Kubaai-Nord residential quarter is making further progress: a second stage urban development contract has now been signed between the city of Bocholt and the investor, the regional housing company Wohnbau Westmünsterland, which regulates the final details and is a prerequisite for a building permit.

Where old warehouses once stood as reminders of bygone days of industrial production, families, singles, senior citizens and students are to find attractive living space in the future. The cooperative group of companies based in Borken plans to build around 450 rental apartments on the approximately 42,000-square-meter site, at least 20 percent of which will be subsidized through public housing.

The sheet pile walls along the river will disappear, and a near-natural riverside promenade along the Bocholter Aa will invite people to linger and stroll. To the west of the new quarter, a wide, modern bicycle expressway is to run, providing a fast, climate-friendly connection to downtown Bocholt. Information and graphic views at https://www.wohnbau-wml.de/projekte-der-planung/wohnbau-entwickelt-kubaai-nordareal.

The signing of the contract was attended by Mayor Thomas Kerkhoff of the City of Bocholt as well as Daniel Zöhler, the city's building inspector, and Stefan Uebbing, head of building regulations, and by Uwe Schramm and Dr. Stefan Jägering, the managing directors of Wohnbau Westmünsterland.

Voices on the signing of the contract

Thomas Kerkhoff, mayor of Bocholt: "I am pleased that the project is picking up speed. The development of the Kubaai-Nordareal by Wohnbau Westmünsterland is very welcome from the perspective of the city of Bocholt. We need attractive affordable housing in the city - in this case in a prime location near the River Aa. This will also be a benefit in terms of urban development."

City Planning Officer Daniel Zöhler: "I am delighted that this exciting urban development project is progressing so quickly. With the advanced demolition work, you can already see the incredible potential for the future of this area. I am particularly pleased that we have so far been able to fully implement the ambitious schedule we set together. That cannot be taken for granted. The very good progress of construction in the Lernwerk on the southern side of the Aa makes it increasingly clear how much quality is being created here."

Uwe Schramm, Chairman and Managing Director of the Business Management Department of WohnBau Westmünsterland: "With the signing of the second stage of the urban development contract and the ongoing demolition work, it can be seen that all those involved are working in an extremely concentrated manner towards the start of construction."

Dr. Stefan Jägering, Managing Director Engineering Department Wohnbau Westmünsterland: "In planning terms, we are already in the process of drawing up the approval planning for the first construction phase in order to apply for the building permit at the beginning of the second quarter of 2022. Nothing about the process could have gone faster."

 Stadtbaurat Daniel Kubaai (vorne rechts) unterzeichnet zusammen mit Uwe Schramm von der Wohnbau Westmünsterland den Städtebaulichen Vertrag für die Realisierung des neuen Wohnquartiers im Kubaai-Nordareal. Bürgermeister Thomas Kerkhoff (hinten rechts) und Dr. Stefan Jägering (Wohnbau Westmünsterland) freuen sich, dass es zügig vorangeht.
Stadtbaurat Daniel Kubaai (vorne rechts) unterzeichnet zusammen mit Uwe Schramm von der Wohnbau Westmünsterland den Städtebaulichen Vertrag für die Realisierung des neuen Wohnquartiers im Kubaai-Nordareal. Bürgermeister Thomas Kerkhoff (hinten rechts) und Dr. Stefan Jägering (Wohnbau Westmünsterland) freuen sich, dass es zügig vorangeht.