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 The bridge on the southern Aasee circular route will be fitted with anti-slip protection.
The bridge on the southern Aasee circular route will be fitted with anti-slip protection.
06. May 2024Planning and building

Bridge on the Aasee circular route briefly closed

7 and 8 May // Non-slip surface for greater safety

The bridge on the south bank of Bocholter Aasee will be closed for a short time on Tuesday and Wednesday, 7 and 8 May. A non-slip quartz sandstone surface will be installed at both access points to the bridge to improve the safety of cyclists and pedestrians.

This is to prevent accidents that can occur due to slippery surfaces in wet weather conditions. During the temporary closure, a diversion will be set up via the nearby weir.

 The bridge on the southern Aasee circular route will be fitted with anti-slip protection.
The bridge on the southern Aasee circular route will be fitted with anti-slip protection.