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 Happy about the practical music school app (from left to right): Christina Taczyk, Karl-Heinz Höper and Beate Foremny, three teachers at the Bocholt-Isselburg Music School.
Happy about the practical music school app (from left to right): Christina Taczyk, Karl-Heinz Höper and Beate Foremny, three teachers at the Bocholt-Isselburg Music School.
07. August 2023Music school

Music School Bocholt-Isselburg now has an app

For pupils and all those interested // Many useful functions

The Bocholt-Isselburg Music School has now launched its own free app. The app is not only interesting for pupils and their parents, but also for interested citizens and is now available in the popular app stores.

The new music school app can be used via any internet-enabled mobile phone or tablet as well as via PC. Parents and pupils can view the booked lesson dates and exchange personal messages with the teacher, the administration and also with fellow pupils (e.g. in case of illness or prevention, enquiries about lessons). Documents can also be loaded (e.g. grades; photos, videos). "This is primarily for better and more transparent communication between the music school and its clientele," explains music school director Claudia Borgers. All data exchange is carried out in accordance with the regulations of the Data Protection Ordinance.

Appointment notice and digital noticeboard

The general public also benefits from the new music school app. After registering once, everyone can find out about events, concerts, taster weeks or instrument presentations at the music school. On a digital notice board, citizens can offer an instrument for sale.

The free app is available in the Apple AppStore and Google PlayStore under the search term "Musikschule Bocholt-Isselburg". Alternatively, you can register via the browser version at https://app.musikschulverwaltung.de/bocholt/login.

Questions about the facility can be answered by the music school on tel. 02871 23917-0.

 Happy about the practical music school app (from left to right): Christina Taczyk, Karl-Heinz Höper and Beate Foremny, three teachers at the Bocholt-Isselburg Music School.
Happy about the practical music school app (from left to right): Christina Taczyk, Karl-Heinz Höper and Beate Foremny, three teachers at the Bocholt-Isselburg Music School.