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 Matilda Varone and Lara Nienhaus
Matilda Varone and Lara Nienhaus
 Malik Geisler and Christina Seggewiße
Malik Geisler and Christina Seggewiße
27. March 2023Music school

"Jugend musiziert": Music students from Bocholt achieve outstanding results

Two second prizes at the state competition in Münster

Bocholt music students showed strong performances at the NRW state competition "Jugend musiziert", which takes place in Münster from 24 to 28 March 2023: Malik Geisler and Christina Seggewiße secured a second prize with 21 points, Matilda Varone and Lara Nienhaus also with 20 points.

From 24 regional competitions in North Rhine-Westphalia, the young people had qualified for the state competition in Münster. Among them were one pupil and three students from the Bocholt-Isselburg Music School in Bocholt.

Malik Geisler (11) and Christina Seggewiße (12) competed in the category "string ensemble, mixed ensembles" in age group 2. They achieved an outstanding 2nd prize with 21 points. They were prepared for the competition and also accompanied by music school teacher Priska Strümpfel.

In the category "String Ensemble, same instruments" Matilda Varone (13) and Lara Nienhaus (14), students of Gabriele Nußberger, achieved an equally outstanding 2nd prize in age group 3 with 20 points. The months of preparation with lots of practice and additional auditions paid off, as the competition results impressively prove. "The four of them can be very proud of what they have achieved," says music school director Claudia Borgers happily. "Participating in a state competition is a very special experience for the pupils," says Borgers. But it would not have been possible without the support and guidance of the families and the dedicated preparation of the teachers involved.

 Matilda Varone and Lara Nienhaus
Matilda Varone and Lara Nienhaus
 Malik Geisler and Christina Seggewiße
Malik Geisler and Christina Seggewiße