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 Wording of the statement of the Integration Council of the City of Bocholt
Wording of the statement of the Integration Council of the City of Bocholt
09. June 2023Integration Council

Integration Council speaks out against refugee accommodation on the outskirts of the city

Statement on the planned citizens' petition

In a statement, the Integration Council of the city of Bocholt now distances itself from the initiative on the planned citizens' petition against the construction of a refugee shelter in the district of Biemenhorst for up to 250 people. At the same time, the integration council emphasises the social responsibility of all citizens of Bocholt.

At the last meeting of the Integration Council, one of the issues discussed was the planned citizens' petition against the construction of a refugee shelter for up to 250 people in Biemenhorst, as decided by the city council. Juan Lopez Casanava, Chair of the Integration Council, emphasised the social responsibility of all: "We must stand together for a mindful, appreciative manner and respectful interaction with each other"!

He said he would not accept it if fears were stirred up, especially by using inappropriate language, and attempts were made to divide society. "I certainly take the justified concerns and supposed fears seriously - and I speak for the Integration Council - and I will never close myself off to a factual discussion and exchange," emphasises Lopez Casanava.

The full text of the statement is published on the municipal website.

 Wording of the statement of the Integration Council of the City of Bocholt
Wording of the statement of the Integration Council of the City of Bocholt