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 Pupils save lives
Pupils save lives
 Pupils save lives
Pupils save lives
 Pupils save lives
Pupils save lives
16. May 2024Fire and Rescue Service Academy

Lifesaving for pupils: first aid training at Euregiogymnasium

Campaign "Pupils save lives" continues // Cooperation between school and FRB

An overview of resuscitation techniques and first aid was provided today, Thursday, at the "Pupils Save Lives" campaign, which was offered again this year as a co-operation between the Euregio-Gymnasium and the Fire and Rescue Academy (FRB).

"A cardiac arrest can happen to anyone and today we will show you how you can become a lifesaver". With these words, the trainees from the Bocholt Fire and Rescue Service Academy welcome the pupils from the Euregiogymnasium in Bocholt to a two-hour first aid training course.

Based on the project "Students save lives"(www.schuelerrettenleben.de), the emergency paramedic trainees provide life-saving tips and demonstrate how easy resuscitation is before moving on to practical training.

Immediate cardiac massage doubles or triples the chance of survival. This is because it keeps the vital blood circulation going until the emergency services arrive.

The joint project between the two Bocholt schools is now in its third year and is aimed at pupils in years seven to ten.

 Pupils save lives
Pupils save lives
 Pupils save lives
Pupils save lives
 Pupils save lives
Pupils save lives