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 Vision Choir at the concert on 16 March 2024
Vision Choir at the concert on 16 March 2024
28. March 2024Europe/International

Vision choir celebrates 50th anniversary in Dinxperlo

Concert with presentation and film excerpts at the Noaberz cultural centre in Dinxperlo // made possible by the INTERREG programme

On 16 and 17 March, the German-Dutch Vision Choir celebrated its 50th anniversary in Dinxperlo with the concert "Touch of Gold". Former and current singers celebrated with the guests following the Saturday concert.

The Vision choir, which was originally founded as a German-Dutch youth choir, celebrated its 50th anniversary with two concerts and an anniversary celebration at the Noaberz cultural centre in Dinxperlo. Both concerts were attended by a full house of around 250 people.

To emphasise the European aspect of this long-standing collaboration, works were sung in German, Dutch and English. The programme was livened up by a moderator and film clips reminiscent of the shared past. At the after-party, new German-Dutch contacts were made and established relationships deepened.

Choir member Edmund Schlütter reported that the choir has always made many efforts to revitalise and maintain German-Dutch relations in Suderwick and Dinxperlo and beyond.

The "Touch of Gold" project is made possible by the INTERREG Germany-Netherlands programme and its programme partners and is co-financed by the European Union.

"This project is once again proof of how art and culture connect people across borders", said Sonja Wießmeier from EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt, which assisted with the application for funding.


EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt is part of the mayor's office of the city of Bocholt and is the local contact point for questions relating to the European Union. Its task is to provide local citizens with information, advice, help and answers to questions about Europe. In addition, EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt aims to promote European involvement and provide information on current European political events.

 Vision Choir at the concert on 16 March 2024
Vision Choir at the concert on 16 March 2024